daily connections
Keith believes it is not what you leave to your children that counts, but what you leave in them!
"Daily Connections” is a daily reminder to find some area of association to build a relationship with each of your children. Just like each parent … all of our children are different, and respond differently. The purpose of this VALUABLE FREE RESOURCE is to give parents of all ages, and educational backgrounds ideas of how to relate and connect with their children.
Each day will provide an exercise for thinking about your kids and what ideas you can implement to make your connection better. CLAIM YOUR FREE DOWNLOAD NOW and immediately begin making memorable life connections with your children!
I remember back in the early 1980’s when I went through my divorce. There were not many organizations to help me except Focus on the Family. I kept learning from Dr. James Dobson who had no idea that he was encouraging one Dad to stay connected to his only child for life. Little did I know why I was “swimming in the soup” (as I referred to it) of all that mess, but there was a plan and would eventually take that current mess and make it a present-day resource to help other Dads. As we continue to list resources on this page, I hope there is something that may help you along your Dad Journey.
This book was written to encourage and give hope to Dads. Many changes in our society dictate a single adult raising children. Whether you are a part-time Dad due to divorce, a young Dad wishing to learn more success secrets, or you have chosen to be part-time due to employment arrangements, or any other innumerable reasons... this book is for you.
Keith believes it is not what you leave to your children that counts, but what you leave in them. “Connections” is a daily reminder to find an area of association to build a relationship with each of your children. Just like each parent, all of our children are different and respond differently. The purpose of this book is to give parents of all ages, and educational backgrounds ideas of how to relate and connect with your children!
Meet Officer Keith is a series of books that will help the younger generation of Age 4-10 understand Police work and what they do for the community. This particular book will share information about Police Dogs (K-9) as well as other service dogs. This book will explain where the word K-9 came from and how the dogs are used. In addition, April Bolivar provides Dog Safety
Tips for the whole family.