Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with a thought on your mind? The easiest thing to do is usually to go back to sleep, right?
But what if you didn’t? What if you got up to ponder it a little, wrote it down, and explored whether you were awakened for a reason? Maybe to go deeper, to give it more thought, and see where it leads?
Well, I can tell you that this morning at 4:15, it happened to me, and my first thought was, “Why am I awake?”

Honestly, I wanted to go back to bed, but I got up, went downstairs, sat down at my desk, and began thinking: “What could a dad do with five minutes of quality time with his children?”
He could take a short walk, answer a question that needs to be answered, have a tickle fest, or lie down in the grass and create cloud art with your children. Even though it’s only five minutes, it can create a lifetime of memories for your child.
Whatever a dad does with those five minutes, it goes quickly, just like life itself. As the scriptures remind us, “Life is like a vapor” (James 4:14). Just this week, I was talking with my friend Robert about how fast time goes by after he mentioned that it’s hard to believe my wife and I have been married for 37 years. We never know about tomorrow, so we must enjoy every day we have, especially with our children.
The concept of our ministry to dads called DADS 4 LIFE was just a thought 20 years ago. Over the last 20 years, we have developed many program ideas, and some are still with us. In the upcoming months, I will be starting two new programs. The first one is just five minutes and is called DAD FIVE (DAD 5), where I will share five minutes of thoughts for dads to consider each day. So, you know how one thought can lead to another? In this case, it did so I will be sharing other things with you at a later date.
So, look for our email soon. Until then, go out each day and encourage, enhance, and enrich the life of someone else, but be sure to start with your children because they need it the most.
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