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Legacy Journey for Dads 4 Life

Writer's picture: Keith JowersKeith Jowers

We officially began our journey to encourage Dads in August 2004 as an organization. I recently was thinking about my vision of the things to come in 2020, but I felt checked to look back over the last 15 years. I am thankful how far the Lord has brought us in our mission. You see, we sometimes need to look back to move forward.

Remembering that I started helping about 4 Dads going through a separation or divorce in the late 1990s to where it is today seems like a blur. There were times we grew at a steady pace and then there were times when it seemed like nothing was happening. In my mind, I picture the journey like riding a roller coaster ... we had many ups and downs, curves and at times was a bumpy ride. If I can be very transparent with you when things slowed down, there were times I felt like the ride was over. However, God reminded me that it started with four which has now grown to over 25,000 followers throughout our network platforms. Although not all followers are Dads needing direct assistance, it has grown into a network of encouragement to single/divorced/ married Dads, single Moms, widows, youth and even grandparents as they are a huge part of raising children today’s society. Our history includes many events over the last 15 years including Fatherhood Awards, conferences, television and radio appearances, radio show host, and speaker. We all have a story, and like all stories, they have a beginning. Dads 4 Life’s story began for me in 1983 when I was told by a judge that my marriage was over, and I would no longer be with my daughter daily from that day forward. I was devastated but walked out of that courtroom determined that I would be a Part-Time Dad with a Fulltime Heart (which was the title of my first book). Being a young boy of only 11 when my Father died, I knew that Dads were vital in the life of a child. I was determined to be there for my daughter, every chance I could if I had breath. Through many sleepless nights and prayers, my story had a new beginning. Dads 4 Life was birthed one evening when my wife and I started talking about me helping the four Dads, so I said; “I'd like to start an organization to help Dads, but I wouldn’t know what to call it. I just want to help a Dad for Life. We stopped, looked at each other and realized that we had our “aha” moment. Mutual of Omaha heard about that moment a few years ago and filmed me telling the story in their series “AHA MOMENTS”.

In early 2019, I started vision casting for 2020 and as I began thinking about the future, I first reminisced of Dads 4 Life history. The Radio show called The Dad Connection Radio impacted Dads and actually how much fun it was for me to do that show for two years. I refined the show into a weekly Podcast that can be found at or by subscribing wherever you listen to a podcast. I further envisioned a group of close Dads that will gather online periodically and talk about Dad concerns and improve on our Fatherly roles as we improve ourselves. As a Dad Coach for many years (mostly to Divorced Dads) I wanted to create a small inner circle of Dads to discuss the important role whether you see your children daily or not.

So, after 15 years, the Dads 4 Life Vision continues. In November with The Dads Legacy Group, 20/20 will be kicking off on Black Friday. This group will help us define our roles as Dad clearer and help us stay more connected as a group and with our children.“Iron sharpens iron, so does one man sharpen another” …Proverbs 27:17

I would like to thank each one of you who have supported us over the last 15 years, and as we have refocused our vision more clearly as we approach the year 2020 ..., “enhancing and enriching Dads in what we consider their greatest asset on Earth…their children.” Blessings along your parenthood journey!


In celebration of our 15TH YEAR in ministry, we invite you to partner with Dads 4 Life® for our 15th Year Celebration Campaign in support of our mission to reach Dads around the world through our website, resources and our ongoing efforts to help families! CLICK HERE to make a donation of $1 to $15, or any amount of your choosing! Every dollar donated empowers our ministry to make a powerful and meaningful difference in the lives of families all over the world! Thank you for your support!



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