I came to know and respect a very special friend to our daughter some years ago. Dr. Julie Reams is a passionate woman of God and loves life . Recently, I saw a social media post where she honored her Dad. It dawned on me that she is the woman today because of the foundation he built for her as she was growing up. I asked permission of Dr. Reams to share her tribute through our network and she did not hesitate in saying yes. Thank you Dr. Reams for sharing your personal story with us in an effort for other Dads to learn the importance of such a vital role in a child's life.
A TRIBUTE TO MY DAD - by Dr. Julie Reams
Treasure every day with those you love - my Dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s a couple of years ago, but this is my first time sharing here.
Although it has been so so hard to watch his body get weaker and mind get slower, he is facing his illness with such courage and always whispers in my ear that he loves me more than words can say and that I light up his whole world. We would love your prayers for strength, grace, and healing. ❤️
I found this note I wrote to my Dad years ago. He asked if I would read it to him again today. I don’t know if there is a daughter who has loved her Dad more. ❤️
More than any other man, you have helped me become who I am today. Thank you for always…
1. Loving me so well and teaching me what real unconditional love looks like. Even during my wild teenage years, your love was constant and unshakable. You are the best, most tangible picture of the Father’s love I have ever experienced.
2. Making me feel beautiful. Even during my awkward Middle School years, I always felt beautiful in your eyes, but also helping me understand that my worth has nothing to do with what I look like.
3. Giving so generously. You and Mom funded my studies and my trips around the world because you could see I had an insatiable desire to learn and that I was made for adventure. Y’all have been my giving tree.
4. Calling forth what is inside of me. You and Mom have told me since I was a little girl that I was going to make a mark on the world. I have always had the confidence to pursue my passions because I knew y’all were in my corner.
5. Laughing with me. I love that we have a similar sense of humor and that I can't count the number of times we have laughed so hard together we could hardly breathe. Just when we would recover, all we had to do was catch each other's eye, and it would all begin again.
6. Teaching me to live for what matters. At the end of the day, it is all about loving God well and loving people well (well, and maybe golf). You live this!
7. Being the epitome of a Southern gentleman. I have never known a kinder man who better represents everything that is best about the South.
8. Modeling to me that is fun is important. Some of my best memories growing up are jumping the waves in the ocean together and the summer days where we had no agenda except to enjoy each other.
9. Loving Mom and our family so well. You have shown me what a godly husband and father is and why not to settle for anything less. They say that 80 percent of girls marry someone like their dad. If so, I am set.
10. Being my hero. You are, and you always will be. I love you!!!