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Focused Intensity Over Time = The BIG MO!

Writer's picture: Keith JowersKeith Jowers

Updated: Jan 26, 2021

No Matter what goals we are reaching for, I am of the opinion momentum plays an important role in our success. The subject of momentum is an interesting and at times an elusive thing. When you have it, you seem to look better to others. Momentum can be defined as a “mass in motion”. All objects have mass. So, if an object has momentum, it has mass in motion. Momentum can be a friend and really can be the deciding factor in whether we win or lose. Finding what motivates you and recognizing it early into a project or goal is best. Finding a formula that works for you to create momentum is sometimes the hard task.

I met Dave Ramsey over twenty years ago, and his life’s calling changed my view of money ... my life was changed to the point I began helping others as one of his Certified Counselors! His course Financial Peace University literally has given thousands of people peace. How did Dave succeed or any other successful entrepreneur that you can think of? By applying what John Maxwell wrote about in his book; The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership … “The Law of the Big Mo”.

There are two keys to the Big Mo ... Preparation and Motivation. In anything we do preparation is the action or process required for getting ready for an event. Motivation is the desire to act or a stimulus for a goal. I like what my friend Zig Ziglar said once. He said, “Motivation doesn’t last but neither does bathing, however, I recommend it highly to do it daily”. Practicing preparation and motivation will help us build the momentum we need to reach our goals.

A quote from the late Steve Jobs may help you find your motivation. Every morning I stand and look in the mirror and ask myself, “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

In the John Maxwell's book I noted, he illustrates the true story of James Escalante. A true hero that immigrated from Bolivia and became a teacher. He wanted to teach computers to students as a teacher, but being there was no funds to buy computers, he was told he would teach math. Once he began teaching, his momentum led him to teach Calculus at one of the most gang infested schools in Los Angeles. Many of his students became successful as they began to learn from such a caring teacher. Mr. Escalante taught from 1974-1991 and his dedication to students that others gave up on inspired the 1988 film called “Stand and Deliver”. The students at Garfield High School where the late Mr. Escalante taught were the benefactors of the momentum explosion created by his desire to teach. He found his Big Mo. The students succeeding helped him continue his momentum.

Momentum works and has a motion all to itself once it gets going ... like a downhill rolling snowball. My friend Justin Cappon, teaches the Snowball Effect and once it gets rolling, you can accomplish great things. However, to build it right, you must first have a solid and strong base.

Dave Ramsey explores the concept of Momentum Theorem in his book; EntreLeadership . He explains the Momentum Theorem as:

Focused Intensity Over Time Multiplied By God Equals Unstoppable Momentum

So, find what motivates you. Focus on it. Be Intense. Multiply it by allowing God to lead you and over time when doing it, you will find the MOMENTUM that lies within you.

You can learn more about my work at Dads 4 Life by visiting

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